The 5 Best Things I Read This Week
This poem: New Year by Kate Baer
It’s fitting a poem by Kate Baer, poetry goddess, would find its way into my first blog post. Her poems are bold and unapologetic, two traits I often lack. In an effort to embolden myself and embrace who I am (and who I want to be), here I am embarking on this new endeavor, never mind all the “rusted nails” I thumbed through: self-doubt, imposter syndrome, and good ol’ fashioned fear. This one was actually a re-read, but it’s the type of poem that gives a little more life each time you do.
Read New Year and the rest of her gorgeous book, What Kind of Woman, which I currently have displayed on a shelf in my living room as an art piece.
Fun fact: She’s one of the only people I’ve ever randomly “DMed” with a compliment (and she responded!).
This short essay: Life Takes Place Like This by Miranda R. Carter
How much can you fit into 250-words? As I read this, I was a kid in high school, a parent, a teacher, and a friend. I was there.
Find this flash essay in River Teeth.
This article: Love Wine? Here Are 10 Ways to Appreciate It Even More by Eric Asimov
A sign of sweet overindulgence? A happy badge of middle age? I enjoy drinking wine, learning about wine, and reading about food and wine in The New York Times, glass in hand as I write this.
This article was fun to consume.
This short short story: It Will Be All of These Things by Ruth LeFaive
Ruth LeFaive piles us in the car with her characters and takes us on a fast ride. I could see a younger version of myself squeezed in the backseat too, but holding tight to the wisdom I have now.
Hop in for a quick ride in Craft.
This book: The Wreckage of My Presence by Casey Wilson.
I love a funny, quirky celebrity autobiography and Casey’s voice felt authentic, as well as witty and self-deprecating. A light read, especially before bed is good medicine and can (sometimes) prevent a 3am worry session about the world’s woes.